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Bayannur League School for the Deaf in Inner Mongolia
Release time:2013-12-06    Browse:1470

The office address of Bayannur League School for the Deaf in Inner Mongolia is located at Binhe Street, Jianhe Road, Linhe City, and its main business is to conscientiously implement the spirit of the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities and the Law on compulsory Education. 
We will basically popularize the nine-year compulsory education system and basically eliminate illiteracy among the deaf and dumb young and middle-aged people. 

Improve their comprehensive quality, make them self-respect, self-improvement, independent, become a useful social talent.

For special needs, the school in Yongchen custom-made drinking water box, through RO reverse osmosis filtration, to achieve safe and healthy drinking water. 
The overall high-end design.

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    8 Fuxing Road, Fuan Industrial Zone, Leliu, Foshan
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