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What kind of water is healthy drinking water?
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:2012
Water is the source of life, we have to drink water every day, and now there are many kinds of water, such as mineral water, pure water, and so on, and we most often drink is plain boiled water, then which kind of water to drink the most healthy? 
Faced with so many water sources, which one should we choose for drinking? 
What is mineral water? 
Mineral water is simply pure water plus a small amount of minerals, it is drinking water (tap water) after purification, and then add minerals, sterilized canning system. 
The purpose of adding minerals is not because they are so nutritious that they can't be done without, but because they can meet the taste requirements of consumers. 
By adding mineral salts, you can make mineral water taste similar to the usual drinking water or mineral water. 
What is mineral water? 
Mineral water is naturally gushed from the deep underground or collected by drilling. It has strict requirements for the water source area. It needs to be evaluated by the geological and mineral departments to take measures to protect the water source area, which can be understood as a kind of mineral resources. 
The price of mineral water is relatively high, mainly because of the high cost of water, rather than because the trace amount of minerals in it really has some magical effect. 
Mineral water from the deep underground, its composition is affected by rock composition, so compared to drinking water, it has more elements to be controlled, such as antimony, barium, boron, nickel, silver and so on in drinking water are only unconventional indicators. 
Mineral water often boasts of rich micronutrient elements such as strontium, selenium, in fact, my colleagues measured several mineral water, the content of these substances is not higher than tap water, and some even worse than tap water. 
What is pure water? 
Purified water is produced by ion exchange, reverse osmosis, distillation and other processes, which is made from water which conforms to the sanitary standard of drinking water. 
It has low ionic content, low water hardness, almost no minerals, and it does not scale when it is used to boil water. 
The prevalence of purified water in developed countries and regions is very high, can reach more than 80%, the Middle East residents drink almost all of the pure water. 
Drinking mineral water is healthier? 
The best drinkers claim not to drink tap water for 20 years, not because it is unsafe, but because they think it is healthier to drink mineral water. 
This opinion is criticized by many people, questioning this is a brand of mineral water self-hype. 
The expert's theory is based on a literature report, however, the literature also mentioned that people who drink mineral water bust large, grow tall, is simply a high grade of foreign air fairy water! 
In fact, when many indicators point to mineral water one-sidedly, it is necessary to consider whether other confounding factors, such as nutritional status, socio-economic status and so on. 
In fact, the superiority of mineral water over other water has never been recognized by the scientific community. 
Are the minerals in the water good for your health? 
Mineral matter is to point to inorganic salt commonly inside water is sodium potassium calcium magnesium carbonate metasilicate and so on. 
There are also some other elements in the water, such as iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium and so on. 
There is no denying that these elements are needed by the human body, but the main way for us to get these nutrients is to eat three meals a day. 
Generally speaking, if you do not lack, drink mineral water will not let you eat too much, if you lack, by drinking mineral water can not make up. 
It is usually the seller of mineral water, mineral water and other wading products that preaches how good the minerals are in the water.
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