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The folk prescription uses good, the hair gives the oil to have no vexation!
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:1948
How is the hair old come out of oil to return a responsibility? 
A lot of people feel his hair always oily, looks really is indecent, how is this to return a responsibility? 
What are the conditioning methods? 
What shampoo to choose can solve the problem? 
The cause of greasy hair. 
1. Constitution of phlegm dampness. 
Most of the hair oil is caused by dampness and heat, or because of eating fat, sweet taste, damage the spleen and stomach, dampness and heat, fumigation of the skin, forced excessive secretion of oil. 
Some people are phlegm wet constitution, some people are acquired habits caused by bad, such as like to eat sweets, fish too much people, it is easy to cause phlegm wet. 
When phlegm dampness endogenous, the body fat metabolism appears not smooth, digestion, excretion can not be turned into waste nutrition, blocked in the body, causing dampness, vent can not go out, thus in the scalp layer accumulation, fumigation; 
Over time greasy hair will appear. 
(2) living habit stimulates oil secretion. 
Modern people like high calorie high fat content of food, eat greasy, spicy, which will stimulate the secretion of sebaceous glands. 
And stay up late, play computer for a long time, fast-paced life, high-intensity work pressure and so on, will affect the endocrine system of the human body, aggravating the scalp out of oil. 
3. Shampoo too often. 
Frequent shampoo on the scalp after the oil will be washed, sebum will receive "lack of oil," the message, and then further secretion of oil, which will lead to more and more, more and more oily hair. 
How to prevent hair Oil. 
Less combing your hair. 
Expert expresses, although in the morning and evening massages scalp with finger belly to have certain health care effect, but for the scalp that gives oil easily, such meeting makes grease disperses passively to wool dry, stimulate grease to secrete, accentuate gives oil. 
People with oily skin are advised to comb their hair less often than necessary. 
2. Reasonable diet. 
Daily life must ensure adequate sleep, work and rest laws, eat high-fat, high-calorie, spicy food. 
But also more exercise, maintain a good mentality, to avoid too much tension, and so on. 
3. Choose your own shampoo. 
Greasy hair should not use moisturizing shampoo, but should use herbal shampoo extracted by plants, not only mild nature, but also to improve the excessive secretion of scalp oil, reduce the symptoms of hair loss. 
4. Shampoo temperature should be moderate. 
When shampoo water overheat can stimulate scalp, cause sebaceous gland body hyperplasia and hypertrophy, easy to give oil. 
It is also undesirable to wash your hair with cold water for the sake of coolness. 
On the one hand, too low a temperature will stimulate the head of the skin, on the other hand, cold water is not conducive to the dissolution of the head oil, easy to clean not completely, resulting in oil out of the situation intensified. 
Therefore, shampoo temperature should be controlled at a temperature similar to the temperature of 37 degrees is most appropriate. 
Traditional Chinese medicine small method recuperates the hair oil. 
1. Soak your feet frequently. 
Hair oil is because the liver fire is too hot, the internal organs of the body can not digest fat, so it was discharged on the face and head. 
Soak your feet with boiling hot water for half an hour every night, and you will gradually get better. You will get the best results in perspiration. 
(2) Bamboo bitumen salt external washing formula. 
1. Drain bamboo and salt a little; 
2. Grind the salt into fine powder first, then mix well into the bamboo. 
3. Apply bamboo leachate to your hair every other day. 
Adhere to this, can play a good cleaning hair, anti-greasy effect.
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