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Autumn is coming, salt water 10 little knowledge you must know!
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:1932
A bowl of salt water, there are so many unknown effects, let's take a look at it! 
Is salt water really more magical than medicine? 
Salt water is indeed more magical than medicine, although salt is just a common condiment, but a small bowl of salt water with the medical function is little known, if you do not know the benefits of salt water, today take you up with the posture; 
1. Take care of the throat. 
The Beginning of Autumn in the past, we entered the autumn, and this time the climate is the most dry, laryngitis, peach adenitis multiple period, in the early stage of the disease can be treated with salt water. 
The method is as follows: when pharynx throat feels have inopportune, usable brine makes morning gargle. 
When sore throat, daily use of concentrated salt water gargle 5-6 times, can play an anti-inflammatory germicidal effect. 
2. Natural hemostasis. 
Stop nosebleed: if the nosebleed can be soaked with cotton wool soaked in salt water into the nostrils, at the same time drinking salt water 1 cup, can play the effect of hemostasis. 
Stop oral bleeding: if small bleeding occurs inside the mouth, gargling with salt water can promote blood coagulation and play the role of natural hemostasis. 
Stop gastric bleeding: gastric bleeding stop vomiting blood, the body is in urgent need of a large number of saline, in the hospital before treatment, can drink 1-4 cups of salt water to supplement the lack of blood in the body. 
3. Anti-inflammatory treatment of teeth. 
The fluoride contained in the common salt can play the role of anti-inflammation sterilization and prevention of tooth decay. 
Therefore, in the morning and evening, brushing each mouthwash with salt water can prevent tooth decay. 
If toothache, gargle with brine, can rise the curative effect that clears heat to fight inflammation, alleviate the bitterness of toothache. 
4. Decontamination and detoxification. 
If suffer centipede scorpion stings salt and hot water can be reconciled in the affected area can play a pain reduction disinfection effect. 
(5) cleaning stomach water. 
When the morning empty stomach drinks weak saltwater 1 cup, not only can clean up the stomach fire, eliminates the halitosis and in the mouth is dry and insipid phenomenon, but also can enhance the digestion function, enhances the appetite, cleans the intestines department. 
If children's intestines and stomach heat, constipation, often drinking salt water, can play the role of heat purgatory. 
6. Inducing vomiting. 
Mild food poisoning or drinking too much lead to stomach discomfort, you can drink strong saline to induce vomiting. 
7. Treating burn and scald. 
Soak the wound in salt water or sprinkle the wound with salt water to disinfect the wound and relieve the scalding injury. 
8. Prevent cramps. 
Hands and feet cramps and chills, can heat the salt, wrapped with cloth, wiping back and forth in the limbs several times. 
9. Prevention and treatment of beriberi. 
Common salt has a good effect of antivirus bacteria, and salt into hot water, the use of water heat, the skin can be better absorption of salt water antiseptic bacteria components, can achieve the effect of saltwater bubble foot treatment beriberi. 
10. Relieving constipation. 
Salt water can clear the intestinal tract of the host stool, so as to ease the purpose of constipation. 
After explaining, everybody knows the function of brine has how miraculous! 
In fact, there are a lot of things in life have some little-known effects, it is precisely these effects but to bring a lot of convenience in people's lives.
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