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Stop drinking this kind of porridge. Its not only high in calories but also nutritious!
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:2437
We often eat porridge, is the only kind of treatment, health, the role of diet, but also a lot of longevity of the old habits. 
Jiangsu has a Rugao City, 1.45 million people, centenarians have reached 172, more than 90 years old people more than 4000 people. 
To this phenomenon, expert analysis says, with the Rugao area "two porridge one rice" unique diet habit, Rugao centenarians in 74% of the people every morning and evening with porridge as a staple food. 
White rice porridge should be taboo. 
What to eat porridge is very important to people nowadays. 
Our traditional rice porridge in the present, has lost its health value! 
Because there are very few minerals and trace elements left in the fine processed white rice, 75 percent of which is starch, the rest is less than 10 percent of the protein, and there was a little B vitamin in the porridge process for a long time. 
And it's all gone. 
It can be said that the more refined the rice processing, the longer the boil time, the softer the glutinous rice porridge, the lower the nutritional value. 
And because the starch is more fully gelatinized, it is easy to break down by amylase into sugar, causing blood sugar to rise rapidly. For people with diabetes or at any time to enter the diabetes ranks, the high number of calories in the diet is a common problem. 
And the heat is equal to a cup of sugar water rice porridge, should become a new diet. 
The more miscellaneous the porridge, the better. 
Therefore, grain porridge, not rice porridge, is the real inheritance of the traditional Chinese medicine "Jimi congee" meaning, so as to ensure the integrity of various trace elements, minerals, vitamins and cellulose. 
And coarse grain texture, difficult to absorb the problem, but also after cooking into porridge was avoided. 
More importantly, the calories of porridge is much lower than rice porridge, even if not high blood sugar people, porridge than rice porridge more likely to lose weight. 
However, the miscellaneous grains porridge, there is exquisite, not the more miscellaneous the better, to be mixed with focus, in addition to all kinds of beans and grains, black sesame is indispensable, because it contains fat, contains vitamin E, this is not the case; 
No matter how miscellaneous the food is, the nutrition obtained is the same. 
Although porridge, should not only contain carbohydrates, but also should have protein, vitamin C, lean porridge, chicken congee, spinach porridge, and so on, in short, fish eggs and vegetables chopped up in porridge; Not only is it nutritious, but it also saves your temper, 
It is the most operable way to replenish the spleen in daily life.
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