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Direct drinking water will cover all primary and secondary schools in Shanghai in two years time.
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:1985
The Solar Energy Building Integration Committee of China Building Energy Conservation Association has become the supporting unit of BWT Expo2013 China Building Water Exhibition (Shanghai Building Water supply and drainage, Water treatment Technology and equipment Exhibition). 
The president expressed great agreement with the efforts of the China Architecture Water Exhibition to promote the development of the industry of building water supply and drainage and solar energy building integration, and will strongly support the convening and implementation of the exhibition, and will hold a simultaneous summit forum during the exhibition period. 
Promote the great development of solar energy building integration. 
Among the more than 40 billion square meters of buildings in China, the energy consumption of hot water, air conditioning and heating accounts for about 65% of the building energy consumption, and the use of clean and renewable solar energy can effectively realize the energy substitution in buildings. 
Is an effective means to reduce building energy consumption. 
Comprehensive utilization of solar energy, fully realize the integration of solar energy and building and solar photothermal optoelectronic integrated application, solar hot water can supplement 15% of building energy consumption, heating, refrigeration system can solve 50% of building energy consumption. 
Photovoltaic power generation can save 30% of the building energy consumption, energy saving effect is very significant. 
The BWT Expo Organizing Committee vigorously promotes the integration of solar energy and architecture in the application of modern architecture, and makes great efforts to create the China Architecture Water Exhibition (, aiming at building a high-end commercial exchange platform for the building water supply and drainage industry.
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