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Scientific and objective criteria for Direct drinking Water on Campus
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:1967

The "drinking water standard gate" incident triggered by a domestic drinking water brand is still in ferment. Looking back on the water crisis incident, careful readers will find that this "standards dispute" has torn open the tip of the iceberg in the confusion of packaging drinking water standards. 

While the "drinking Water Standard Gate" incident was still escalating, on 19 April 2013, 

"basic requirements for Construction and maintenance of Direct drinking Water Project for Primary and Secondary Schools in Shanghai" issued by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of quality and Technical Supervision, and Shanghai Municipal Water Bureau. 

The announcement (hereinafter referred to as "basic requirements for Direct drinking Water on Campus of Shanghai Primary and Secondary Schools") once again focused the attention of the public on the issue of the standard of direct drinking water on campus. 

Campus drinking water standard is not as good as the national standard? 

The people regard food as their priority, and food comes first. This sentence is especially suitable for the students who are growing up. 

As the hope for the future of the motherland, they shoulder a heavy burden. 
However, when many parents pay attention to their children's nutrition, they often only consider eating and talking about nutrition, but ignore the problem of children's drinking water. 

Although the physical quality of students is higher than infants, but is still in the developmental stage, if long-term intake of unclean water, their health is bound to suffer damage. 

What is gratifying is that in recent years, some cities in mainland China have begun to start the project of drinking water directly on campuses, which is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. 

However, the notice "basic requirements for Construction and maintenance of Direct drinking Water Project for Primary and Secondary Schools in Shanghai" issued by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and other departments a few days ago exposed various disadvantages of the current standard for direct drinking water for schools. 

Four doubtful points on the Standards of Direct drinking Water on Campus. 

People in the industry believe that many of the provisions in the "basic requirements for Direct drinking Water for Primary and Secondary Schools in Shanghai" are not reasonable, or even lower than the national standard, and their effectiveness in ensuring the safety of drinking water for primary and secondary school students is questionable. 

The scientific nature of the "requirement" is questioned from four aspects. 

Doubt # 1: temperature doubt? 

Direct drinking water equipment is a terminal water purification equipment, which is explicitly stipulated by the state. 

According to the Light Industry Standard of the people's Republic of China and the Water quality Standard for drinking Water, the direct drinking water equipment has the function of purifying municipal tap water into direct drinking water. 
The purified water is heated, cooled and distributed by a method of consuming electric energy. 
The cooling / hot water function requires that the outlet temperature of hot water is more than 90 ℃ and that of cold water is less than 15 ℃. 
However, in this "basic requirements for Direct drinking Water for Primary and Secondary Schools in Shanghai", it is only required that "the direct drinking water equipment is an independent water treatment equipment with the water temperature in the range of 20 ℃ to 40 ℃." 
"while water temperature is not the only measure of direct drinking water equipment and the quality of direct drinking water, if the notification document issued by the local government does not meet the relevant basic standards, 

The document's applicability is in doubt: if students want to use hot or cold water, they can't get it from a direct drinking device that only uses warm water. 

Usually, the national drinking water standard is the lowest drinking water standard, the enterprise standard and the local standard should be higher than the national standard. 

But the imperfection of the standardization law of our country gives a lot of enterprises the opportunity, not only the enterprise standard of a lot of production enterprises is regarded as the secret of the trade secret, the local standard is not strict either, even some enterprise standards and local standards are lower than the national standards.

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