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The market scale of water purification equipment is over 100 billion, and reverse osmosis technology will become the mai
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:2010

At the China Home Appliances Technology Conference held a few days ago, the reporter learned from the industry that the market scale of water purification equipment in China will exceed 100 billion yuan by 2020. 

In addition, industry experts call for, to regulate and guide the healthy development of the industry, drinking water appliances energy efficiency standards and industrial technology roadmap should be developed and implemented as soon as possible. 

The Market scale of Water purification equipment is hundreds of billions of dollars. 

According to the 2012 china environmental bulletin issued by the ministry of environmental protection, of the 4 929 groundwater monitoring sites in 198 cities across the country, the proportion of poor to very poor water quality monitoring sites is 57.3%. Rural drinking water sources and surface water were polluted to varying degrees. 

The decline of water environment quality has aroused the high concern of consumers for healthy drinking water, but also created a huge market demand for water purification equipment in our country. 

Cao Gang, chairman of the drinking Water Appliances Committee of the China Home Appliances Association, said that household water purification equipment is becoming the mainstream household product in the consumer market in China. 

According to Zhongyi health, the retail sales of water appliances in china will reach 18 billion yuan in 2013, an increase of 17% over the same period last year, including 8 billion yuan in the retail sales of straight drink machines and water purifiers; by 2020, it is expected to reach 110 billion yuan, maintaining an average annual compound growth rate of 45%. 

2013-2016 is the golden period of water purification equipment development in China, the average annual growth rate is expected to reach 70%. 

According to industry experts, the current domestic water purification equipment penetration rate of about 2%, compared with Europe, Japan, 70% penetration rate is still a big gap.

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