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The brand of water purifier is developing vigorously in high-end industry.
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:1995

When people mention the Statue of Liberty, they think of New York, when they talk about the Arc de Triomphe, they think of Paris, and when they talk about the Pearl of the Orient, they think of Shanghai, China. Mention the domestic software development base, people will immediately think of Zhongguancun; And if you talk about the emerging water purifier market, you will think of what water purifier brand? 

In recent years, the outbreak of water pollution is concentrated in the period, the alarm bell of water pollution problems throughout the country has been ringing. Water pollution problems caused by cancer, stones, skin diseases, and so on, always remind us to pay attention to drinking water health and safety. When consumers focus on the water purifier products, the face of the market a wide variety of water purifier advertising, the purchase of what kind of water purifier is a headache. Experts remind that the purchase of suitable water purifier can not blindly follow the advertising effect, choose trustworthy water purifier products, to identify the brand of water purifier. 

After nearly 20 years' development, China's water purifier industry has continuously introduced foreign advanced production technology and improved the level of design and production. The manufacturing technology and quality of domestic water purifier manufacturers are constantly improving. With the accumulation of management experience, the water purifier industry in China has matured and standardized in various aspects, design, production, installation, support, service has formed a relatively complete system. 

At present, the water purification industry in China is still in the fierce competition environment of product homogenization. In fact, competition in the water purifier market has never slowed, either in its infancy or now in its development phase. The number of water purifier manufacturers in China has grown from several imported brands in the 1980s to more than 3500 at present, covering all provincial capitals, secondary cities and over 90% county-level markets. Enters 2013, the water purifier profession develops rapidly, about the water purifier ten brand ranks the contention is "the wind rises and the clouds surge". 
Industry statistics show that there is still a lot of potential to be tapped in the water purifier industry. For example, at present, water purifiers only account for about 15% of the total market share of "water appliances," while more than 75% of the market is also occupied by drinking fountains and barrels. The rapid development of the market does not represent the simultaneous development of quality. On the contrary, the rapid development of the water purifier market and the disharmony of the market mechanism have resulted in those who claim to have "health care functions" and "added minerals". The shanzhai water purifiers that can turn water into weak alkaline water emerge one after another in an endless stream, causing technological chaos and vicious competition, thus causing consumers to suffer losses. And the water purifier industry production and operating costs and the degree of fierce competition is proportional to the development trend, in this case, the domestic major water purifier brand development is also facing a more severe test. 

In terms of the current "Top Ten Brand ranking of China's Water purifiers", which has been hotly discussed in the water purifier industry, there are different versions of the rankings, and there is no agreement on the rankings. But in each version, to Quan Lu, the United States, Yongchen, net Springs, Qinyuan, Angel, Haier, 3M, Li-sheng, Li Yuan, Dalton and other brands appeared most frequently, the number of these listed brands are the first line of domestic brands; They have certain popularity, reputation, market share, brand building, product development, scientific and technological innovation and other advantages, representing the leading level of the water purifier industry and the latest trends. 

Consumer requirements for the performance of water purifiers, green, health, environmental protection has gradually replaced the cheap, become a new demand. For example, direct drinking machine, water-saving pure water machine, intelligent water purifier, in addition to effectively reducing the waste water ratio, the majority of owners are more focused on the product convenience and intelligence. To this end, the source of force, Yongchen, net springs, the United States, Quan Lu, Qinyuan, Li-Sheng high-end water purifier brand, has been "environmental protection" as the main axis of product research and development and promotion of the concept. 

From the water purifier ten brands, the ranking of these brand development planning, it is not difficult to conclude that our water purifier industry is moving towards the high-end brand development.After nearly 20 years of accumulation and development, the "Matthew effect" has been demonstrated in the water purifier industry in our country. The market share of the top ten brands of water purifiers has now exceeded 50%. This is conducive to pushing up the competition threshold of the whole household water purification industry. It is expected that the gap between water purifier enterprises will continue to widen in the future, for example, in terms of product line layout, brand influence, and so on. There is still a long way to go for the entire household water purification industry in the future, those who will carry on the past and open the way for the future. The industry as a whole will bring more surprises to consumers. 

Industry experts say the popularity of water purifiers has arrived, the end consumer's desire for health, the government's promotion of small end water processors, water pollution reality intensified. The development of the water purifier industry has people in the major industries of the transmission of healthy water, but also to supplement social responsibility, but also to their own career development opportunities! When the responsibilities and obligations merge together, what we have in front of us is a huge business opportunity! I believe you will have a different harvest with the input of the right time, the right place and the right amount. No matter consumers, agents in the choice of water purification industry, must choose a good brand, choose the right brand, in order to get their share of the water purifier in the storm of popularity.

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