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Domestic Water purifier Market with Bright Prospect in China
Release time:2017-10-26    Browse:2022
In 2013, sales of water purifiers are expected to exceed 20 million units and the total market size will reach 50 billion, according to ZhongKangYi's forecast data. Even so, people in the industry have to admit that in the domestic market, 
The market share of water purifiers is still far lower than that of drinking fountains and bottled water; and according to Gu Jiu, vice president of the China Water Industry Association, the penetration rate of domestic water purifiers is between 5% and 6% at present. 

The water dispenser, bucket water penetration rate is as high as 75%, in fact, the author visited a number of well-known water purifier manufacturers, the data have been recognized. 

It is because of the vast market potential, many enterprises are temporary organization of processing production lines, China's water purifier brands into the blowout period, so far, the domestic market has reached 3500 brands large and small number of as many as. 

In spite of this number, few have the strength to do so. 
According to the person in charge of the China Water purification Analysis Network, the following are the main criteria for judging whether a factory has strength: first, it has its own core technology; second, it has an independent industrial park; third, it has a membrane production capacity; 
Fourth, there are perfect services; at the same time, the responsible person believes that it is precisely because there are too few powerful brands in the industry that it is very difficult to implement standards, and almost all of them are fighting for themselves, and the industry is in a mess. 

The end result is that the industry in this form is difficult to achieve the size of a new type of industry like solar energy. 

Secondly, the manufacturers of water purifiers in China are relatively concentrated. 

It is understood that the manufacturers of water purifiers in our country are mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta region of Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou, and the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong, which account for about 90% of the total number of manufacturers in the country, and these two areas have distinct characteristics. 

The Pearl River Delta is mainly based on domestic brands, representing brands such as beauty, spring dew, pure spring, Angel, and so on; while the Yangtze River Delta is mainly based on imported brands. 

Representative brands are Qinyuan (to be acquired by Unilever), Avos, 3M, Bainocan and so on as representatives. 

Thirdly, the bottleneck exists in the development of water purifier industry. 

Some people in the industry believe that the complexity of water quality in our country is the greatest challenge to technology, and this requires manufacturers to put forward water purification schemes adapted to local conditions, or else they may not be able to achieve the expected water purification effects.Actually, a few years ago, the effect of water purification was not as good as expected. 

Imported brands have not acclimatized phenomenon, and through in-depth understanding: not the quality of products, but the cause of water quality, in this case, many domestic water purifier manufacturers are establishing water sample laboratories; 
In addition, it serves. The core of the water purifier is the filter element, and the filter element is a kind of consumable material. Different filter elements have different service life. 
The service life of PP cotton is 3-6 months and that of UF membrane is 24-36 months. If the filter element exceeds the replacement time for too long, it may cause "secondary pollution," and the replacement of the filter element needs a professional to do it. 

It is understood that as a representative brand of the Pearl River Delta, it is through the construction of perfect after-sales service, so that the brand can stand out in thousands of brands. 

Finally, the prospect of water purifier industry. 

At present our country water environment situation people have heard, although the country is making great efforts to control, but this process is not overnight, so people are bound to find a solution to drinking water safety products. 

Undoubtedly home water purifier is a good choice, consumer concept and awareness of change, will lay the foundation for the popularity of water purifier, at the same time the industry will also usher in a broad market.
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