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Summer drinking water taboo, so that health!
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:1985
In a twinkling of an eye, it was the hottest time of the year, the temperature went up, and the moisture in the body was lost with sweat. When the body is short of water, it is particularly easy to fatigue and lose attention. Long-term water shortage can also lead to gastric ulcer, myocardial and other problems! How much to drink and how to drink? This is a science. If you want to be healthy, you must learn to drink scientifically.
Can't drink water before going to bed?
Some people think that drinking water before bed can easily lead to eyelid edema and so on, so they do not drink water even before they go to bed. In fact, you can drink water before bed, but should not drink too much, whether thirsty or not should be slightly swallowed two mouthfuls, drink water appropriately before bedtime, can reduce blood viscosity, thereby reducing the risk of cerebral thrombosis.
Water must be drunk in the morning.
With the promotion of health promotion, some people have developed the habit of drinking water in the morning. After a night of metabolism, the body's garbage needs to be washed. Drinking a glass of water not only helps excretion, but also reduces blood viscosity.
Salty should be replenishment immediately.
Eating too salty will not only cause hypertension, but also reduce saliva secretion, oral mucosa edema. Therefore, after salty food should be immediately replenishment, especially not to replace drinks.
Drinks can't take the place of water.
Water is colorless and tasteless, and indeed there are no beverages of all kinds that are good to drink, but the role played by the human body is not to drink beverages can be replaced. Coke, all kinds of fruit and vegetable drinks do contain water, but do not play a role in replenishing water, but also reduce appetite, affect digestion.
Is the ice water really good?
Many people believe that the ice environment can be sterilized. In fact, in the ice environment of 0~4 degrees, bacteria are more likely to reproduce. In addition, many drinks of chilled water can dilute gastric acid, resulting in intestinal disorders, which lead to many related diseases.
Mineral water should be appropriate.
Some people think one-sided that the higher the mineral content of mineral water is, the better. However, the high mineral content can not fully explain the strong vitality of water, when the mineral content in water exceeds the standard, it will also damage human health. Therefore, drinking water containing proper and balanced mineral resources is beneficial to health.
Drinking water machine cleaning is very important.
With the existence of a drinking fountain, it is indeed a lot easier. But some people ignore the importance of cleaning the water dispenser. It is known that the cold and hot water tank in the barreled drinking machine will multiply a large number of bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus and so on, if it is not washed for three months. Therefore, it is best to clean once a month and clean it once every two weeks in summer. Office drinking machines are frequently cleaned because they are frequently used.
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