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Drink warm water, the body will have 7 magical changes, do not believe you try!
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:1919
70% of the body is water. Do you mean it is not important? The human body must have so much water to keep the body working. If the body water is not enough, long-term, will lead to rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, angina, colitis, indigestion, high blood pressure, obesity, hemorrhoids, breast cancer and other issues. I asked you if you were afraid! So, in order to avoid these problems, drink plenty of water every day. This is especially important in the morning.
Wake up early to drink water, before and after meals to drink water, we must develop regular drinking habits, even if you are not thirsty. Especially drinking warm boiled water is much more profitable.
The benefits of warm boiled water
1. Enhance digestion.
Drinking warm water increases gastrointestinal contractility, helps the digestive system function regularly throughout the day, and better absorbs nutrients from food.
2. Improve blood circulation.
When you drink a cup of warm water, the accumulation of the nervous system "cache" and the body's excess fat storage, can be slowly discharged from the body. This process also helps to clear toxins from the body's metabolism and increase blood circulation.
3. It helps control weight.
A cup of warm water in the morning increases body temperature and metabolic rate, and burns more calories (fat) during the day. If you add lemon in warm water, it will help you to decompose adipose tissue. The combination of warm water and lemon brings pectin, so it also regulates appetite.
4, prevent defecation and stones.
Many people have trouble defecating and even constipation, which is the result of intestinal peristalsis, one of the important reasons is the lack of water in the body. Drinking warm water before eating in the morning can improve the movement of the stomach and intestines and reduce the risk of constipation. Besides, drinking a glass of water after waking up is very important for preventing kidney stones and onlookers. It is a fact that drinking a glass of water in the morning, diluting stomach acid, can also increase urine volume, can effectively reduce the rate of stone formation.
5, relieve physical pain.
When women come to "big aunt", people always say this in their comfort words: drink plenty of water. This statement is very scientific. Warm water can relax the abdominal muscles, so it can relieve dysmenorrhea. In fact, warm water can not only relieve menstrual pain, but also effectively relieve various muscle pains - because warm water increases the circulation of capillaries and prevents muscle strain.
6, delaying the aging of human body
The more toxins and waste in the body, the faster the body will age. Toxic substances accumulate too much and are more susceptible to illness. Warm water helps the body metabolize and repair damaged skin cells and improve skin elasticity.
7. Improve sleep quality.
Drink warm water in the morning and sleep better at night. If you continue to drink plenty of warm water after dinner, you can also make the body more relaxed, relaxed nerves, improve sleep, but also help eliminate midnight hunger.
I didn't expect to drink warm water so much, so we must pay attention to reasonable drinking water!
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