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Yong Chen health "tips": after dinner, these 10 bad habits must be changed!
Release time:2018-10-27    Browse:2008
In our daily life, we often hear such things as "walking a hundred steps after dinner and living to ninety-nine". Are there any small actions after meals that are good for our health? Let's take a look at the taboos after these ten big meals.
1, eat fruits immediately after meals.
If you eat fruits immediately after meals, you will be stuck in the stomach by food just eaten. The fruit stays in the stomach too long, will ferment to produce gas, may cause abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and other symptoms of discomfort. In the long run, it can cause digestive disorders and lead to various gastrointestinal diseases.
Therefore, fruit is best eaten between two meals (2 hours after meals) or 1 hours before meals.
2. Go easy after dinner.
When the stomach is full of undigested food, the stool is discharged. As the abdominal pressure is suddenly increased due to choking, gastric acid and digestive enzymes may reflux to the esophagus, and reflux esophageal ulcer may form over time. Defecation immediately after meals may lead to dysfunction of the smooth muscle of the pylorus and bile reflux. It is recommended to have bowel movements after getting up in the morning.
3. Drink cold drinks after dinner.
Drinking cold drinks after meals will not only dilute gastric acid, but also make gastric mucosal vasoconstriction, inhibit the secretion of digestive glands, resulting in weakened gastric activity, easy to produce anorexia and satiety and discomfort and other indigestion symptoms. Eating cold food after meals is the biggest killer of the heart.
4, smoke a cigarette after dinner.
Studies have shown that smoking a cigarette after meals is more dangerous than smoking ten cigarettes a day.
Because after eating, gastrointestinal motility is frequent, blood circulation is accelerated, and tissue cell biological respiration is enhanced. At this time, smoking, lung and other tissues to absorb smoke greatly increased the absorption of nicotine, nicotine and other harmful substances also increased, in addition to the respiratory tract and lungs caused direct stimulation, but also to other tissues and organs to bring greater harm.
5. Go to bed immediately after eating.
Sleeping immediately after meals slows the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the secretion of digestive juice, and prevents food from being fully digested and absorbed, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies over time.
At the same time, after full stomach pressure increased, if immediately lying flat, it may cause gastroesophageal reflux and other symptoms.
After meals should be appropriate to sit for a period of time (at least 30 minutes), until the stomach food digestion empty and then lie down to rest.
6. Take a shower immediately after dinner.
When taking a bath, stimulated by warm water, the skin and blood vessels of the extremities and the whole body expand, resulting in blood collection on the body surface, gastrointestinal blood flow will be correspondingly reduced, digestive juice secretion will be reduced. If you take frequent baths after meals, it will cause indigestion over time.
In addition, taking a bath immediately after meals can lead to insufficient blood supply to the heart and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
7. Drive immediately after eating.
Gastrointestinal digestion of food after meals requires a large amount of blood, resulting in temporary relative cerebral ischemia, response has become dull, in the course of driving, easy to lead to judgment and operation errors, so that the probability of traffic accidents greatly increased.
8. Sing after dinner.
Singing after meals can cause the diaphragm to move down, abdominal pressure to increase, mild cause indigestion, serious cause gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms.
In addition, if people drink alcohol during meals, the throat, vocal cords natural congestion, at this time loud singing, will aggravate the throat, vocal cords congestion and edema, very easy to cause acute vocal cords and throat inflammation, hoarseness, sore throat and other symptoms.
9. Drink tea immediately after dinner.
Many people have a habit of having a cup of hot tea after dinner. As everyone knows, drinking tea immediately after meals will not only dilute gastric juice, theophylline will also inhibit gastric acid secretion, affecting the normal digestion of food.
In addition, a large amount of tannic acid (tannic acid) in tea and protein, iron and other nutrients in food can produce non-digestible solids, which not only aggravate the burden on the stomach, but also cause nutrient loss.
10, eat loose braces.
After a full meal immediately loosen the belt, abdominal pressure dropped suddenly, the support of the digestive tract weakened, resulting in increased load of digestive organs and ligaments, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis or disorders, not only affect food digestion, but also easy to cause abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other symptoms.
Over time, it can also cause stomach ptosis, abdominal discomfort and other digestive system diseases.
Usually diet should pay attention to the right amount, not greedy; especially in the elderly and weak and indigestion, the best dinner control at eight full. If you are overeating, massage your abdomen gently with your hands to help you digest and empty your stomach as soon as possible.
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